“My hype is elsewhere.”

I saw this simple statement on LYZ’s projects page1 and it really resonated with me. I immediately wrote it down on a sticky note and stuck it on my desktop monitor. That was two days ago, and I’m still thinking about it, so clearly it deserves a spot in my Garden.

Permission to Neglect Projects

I’m some form of neurospicy — definitely ADHD; possibly AuDHD — and I often describe myself as “15 hobbies in a trench coat”. The list of things in which I’m interested is long and diverse. I can’t do all of them at once, and hyperfocus means I’m often focusing on one particular thing for a week or two before I move to whatever captures my attention next.

What that results in is 14 hobbies that are being neglected at any one time. If the materials and the project will keep, there’s no real harm in letting it lie untended for a bit. I’ll likely pick it back up later with renewed interest.


  1. LYZ, if you notice this backlink, and you’d like me to cite this differently (to wit: use different anchor text), please let me know. Contact info’s on the About page! ↩︎